Accessibility statement

Date: 03.12.19

Secret Flights makes every effort to provide its services and operate the site in accordance with the regulations on equal rights for people with disabilities (accessibility adjustments to the service), 2013, and in accordance with any other law that is relevant for the purpose of making the site accessible for the entire population, including for the public with disabilities .

In this framework, Secret Flights made the following adjustments and accessibility:

Using the “accessible” website accessibility interface:

This site uses the “Nagishly” website accessibility interface (, which is developed by the manufacturer (Nagishly). The interface allows surfers to adjust the website display for them as well as to run it with various devices such as screen reading software and with the keyboard as much as possible, and in accordance with the guidelines for accessibility of content on the Internet WCAG 2.0 to level AA. The interface is subject to the terms of use of the manufacturer. The responsibility for the use and application of the website applies to the owners of the website and/or anyone on their behalf, including the content presented on the website subject to the terms of use on behalf of the manufacturer.

Compatibility of browsers and operating systems:

Google Chrome, FireFox, Safari, Opera, Microsoft Edge, Microsoft Internet Explorer 11, Android Marshmallow, iOS9

General adjustments:

A button to activate basic accessibility, navigation via the keyboard, activation of a virtual keyboard, adaptation to screen readers, skipping to the main content, searching for texts on the website page, changing the interface language, changing the position of the interface, changing the size of the interface.

Text and content adjustments in the interface:

Changing the font sizes, changing the font to readable, enlarging text on mouseover (magnifying glass), highlighting links, highlighting titles, changing the spacing between lines, changing the spacing between words, changing the spacing between letters, aligning to the center, aligning to the right, aligning to the left.

Color and display adjustments:

Show image descriptions, adapt to screen reader, dark contrast, light contrast, change the site to gray colors, change the color of the texts, change the color of the titles, change the background color, stop animations and movement.

Navigation and orientation adjustments:

Changing the mouse cursor to a large and white cursor, or a large black cursor, highlighting mouse transition, highlighting focus, enlarging and reducing the site view.

If you encounter a problem regarding the accessibility of the site and/or if you have any questions regarding accessibility, you are invited to contact our accessibility coordinator, whose details are as follows:

Name: Ariel Lenis, email flywith (@)

var editSearchBtnText = 'Edit Search'; var editSearchOpenedText = 'Edit Search'; jQuery(document).on('click', "#toggle", function () { if (window.matchMedia("(min-width: 768px)").matches) { jQuery(this).toggleClass("on"); jQuery("#menu").slideToggle(); if (jQuery(this).hasClass('on')) { jQuery(this).find('.Search-bar').val(editSearchOpenedText); } else { jQuery(this).find('.Search-bar').val(editSearchBtnText); } } });